Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Asian Longhorned Beetle Prevention and Control

Trees favored by the Asian longhorned beetle are predominantly maples, but infestations have also been discovered in horse-chestnuts, poplars, willows, elms, mulberries, and black locusts. Currently, there is no known practical chemical or biological defense against the Asian Longhorned Beetle and, in North America, they have few natural predators. How Trees Killed Are Killed by ALB The Asian longhorned beetle is a black insect with white speckles that grows a long antenna. The beetle chews its way into hardwood trees to lay eggs. The eggs produce larvae and those larvae tunnel deep under the bark and feed on living tree tissue. This feeding effectively cuts off the trees food supply and starves it to the point of death. How ALB Spreads Studies have shown that an Asian long-horned beetle can fly as far as several city blocks in search of a new host tree. The good news is that the beetle tends to lay eggs in the same tree from which they emerged as adults — they usually limit their flights under normal conditions. Prevention Unfortunately, there are no methods developed to practically prevent or control Asian longhorned beetle. If you detect the presence of ALB, the only thing that will help is to contact local forestry officials for consultation. They can take steps to contain the outbreak. The only way currently known to combat the Asian Longhorned Beetle is to destroy the infested trees. While cutting down mature trees is not a great solution for the tree owner and a tragedy, it is preferable to permitting the Asian longhorned beetle to spread.

Common Crimes Defined

Crimes can be committed against persons or property, but all crimes carry a punishment for those who break the law. Federal, state, and local governments pass laws to establish what is acceptable behavior and what is illegal  within society. Following are some common crimes,  both felonies, and misdemeanors, with general explanations attached: Accessory People are accessories when they solicit, request, command, pursue, or intentionally aid another person to engage in conduct constituting an illegal action. Aggravated Assault Aggravated assault is causing or attempting to cause serious bodily harm to another or using a deadly weapon during a crime.   Aiding and Abetting Aiding and abetting occurs when a person willfully aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures the commission of a crime.   Arson Arson is when a person  intentionally burns  a structure, building, land, or property. Assault Criminal assault is defined as an intentional act that results in a person becoming fearful of imminent bodily harm. Battery Battery is any unlawful physical contact with another person, including offensive touching. Bribery Bribery is the act of offering or receiving compensation for the purpose of influencing any person who is responsible for performing a public or legal duty. Burglary A burglary occurs when someone illegally enters almost any kind of structure for the purpose of committing an illegal act. Child Abuse Child abuse is any act or failure to act that results in the harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child. Child Pornography Child pornography includes the possession, production, distribution, or sale of sexual images or videos that exploit or portray children. Computer Crime Computer crime is any illegal act for which knowledge of computer technology is essential for successful prosecution. Conspiracy Conspiracy occurs when two or more people plan a crime with the intent of committing that crime. Credit Card Fraud Credit card fraud is committed when a person uses a credit or debit card illegally to obtain funds from an account or to get merchandise or services without paying. Disorderly Conduct Disorderly conduct is a  broad term charging anyone whose behavior is a public nuisance. Disturbing the Peace Disturbing the peace involves behavior that disturbs the overall order of a public place or gathering. Domestic Violence Domestic violence occurs  when one member of a household inflicts bodily harm upon another member of that household. Drug Cultivation or Manufacturing Drug cultivation or manufacturing is illegally cultivating, producing, or possessing plants, chemicals, or equipment used for the purpose of producing drugs. Drug Possession Drug possession occurs when someone willfully possesses any illegal controlled substance. Drug Trafficking or Distribution Both a federal and state crime, drug distribution includes selling, transporting, or importing illegal controlled substances. Drunk Driving Drunk driving occurs when a person operates a motorized vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Embezzlement Embezzlement occurs  when a responsible party misappropriates money or property entrusted to them. Extortion Extortion occurs when someone obtains money, property, or services through an act of coercion. Forgery Forgery includes falsifying documents or signatures or faking an object of value with the purpose of committing fraud. Fraud Fraud is committed when a person uses deception or misrepresentation for financial or personal gain. Harassment Harassment is unwanted behavior intended to annoy, disturb, alarm, torment, upset, or terrorize an individual or group. Hate Crime Hate crime is a criminal  offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offenders bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.† Identity Theft Identity theft includes all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. Insurance Fraud Insurance fraud occurs when a person attempts to obtain payment from an insurance company under false premises. Kidnapping Kidnapping is committed when a person is illegally confined or moved from one place to another against their will. Money Laundering Money laundering occurs when someone attempts to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of proceeds of illegal actions. Murder Usually classified as first-degree or second-degree, murder is the willful taking of another persons life. Perjury Perjury occurs when a person gives false information while under oath. Prostitution Prostitution occurs when a person is  compensated in exchange for a sexual act. Public Intoxication Someone drunk or under the influence of drugs in a public place can be charged with public intoxication. Rape Rape occurs when someone forces sexual contact with another person without their consent. Robbery Robbery involves stealing from another person by the use of physical force or by putting the victim in fear of death or injury.   Sexual Assault Although definitions vary by state, generally it occurs when a person or persons commit a sexual act without the consent of the victim. Shoplifting Shoplifting is stealing merchandise from a retail store or business. Solicitation Solicitation is offering compensation for goods or services  prohibited by law.   Stalking Stalking occurs when a person, over time, follows, harasses, or watches another person. Statutory Rape Statutory rape occurs when  an adult has sex with someone under the age of consent, which  varies by state. Tax Evasion Tax evasion involves taking deliberate actions to conceal or misrepresent a persons or businesss income, profits, or financial gains or to inflate or falsify tax deductions. Theft Theft is a general term describing forms of larceny, including burglary, looting, shoplifting, embezzlement, fraud, and criminal conversion. Vandalism Vandalism occurs when a person intentionally damages property that does not belong to them. Wire Fraud Almost always a federal crime, wire fraud is an illegal activity taking place over any interstate wires for the purpose of committing fraud.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman - 2032 Words

â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a poem about women facing unequal marriages, and women not being able to express themselves the way they want too. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860, and died in 1935. This poem was written in 1892. When writing this poem, women really had no rights, they were like men’s property. So writing â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† during this time era, was quite shocking and altered society at the time. (Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Feminization of Education). Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an extreme feminist activist during her time. Charlotte was a self- educated woman, and did all she could in life to help serve humanity. Her lover unexpectedly proposed to her leaving her completely torn about work and marriage. Being married at this time era, was being a housewife. Marriage was extremely traditional, meaning she would have to give up overall everything and obey her husband. This gave Charlotte a nervous breakdown, or in other words, she cracked up. Her treatment to fix her breakdowns were total rest because doctors didn’t know how to cure depression during that time. This drove her almost mentally insane. The only way she fully cured herself was by leaving her husband, home, child and going back to writing movements of their day. (Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Feminization of Education). Gilman redefined womanhood of her time. She preached and declared woman to be equal to men, in all aspects of life, all around theShow MoreRelatedThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman885 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen a stigma around mental illness and feminism. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in the 1900’s. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† has many hidden truths within the story. The story was an embellished version her own struggle with what was most likely post-partum depression. As the story progresses, one can see that she is not receiving proper treatment for her depression and thus it is getting worse. Gilman uses the wallpaper and what she sees in it to symbolize her desire to escapeRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman846 Words   |  4 PagesHumans are flawed individuals. Although flaws can be bad, people learn and grow from the mistakes made. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story, †Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, gives one a true look at using flaws to help one grow. Gilman gives her reader’s a glimpse into what her life would have consisted of for a period of time in her life. Women were of little importance other than to clean the house and to reproduce. This story intertwines the reality of what the lives of woman who were considered toRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1362 Words   |  6 Pagesas freaks. In the short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, both of these elements are present. Gilman did a wonderful job portraying how women are not taken seriously and how lightly mental illnesses are taken. Gilman had, too, had firsthand experience with the physician in the story. Charlotte Perkins Gilman s believes that there really was no difference in means of way of thinking between men or women is strongly. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a short story about a woman whoRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1547 Words   |  7 PagesCharlotte Perkins Gilman s career as a leading feminists and social activist translated into her writing as did her personal life. Gilman s treatment for her severe depression and feelings of confinement in her marriage were paralleled by the narrator in her shorty story, The Yellow Wallpaper. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. Her parents, Mary Fitch Perkins and Fredrick Beecher Perkins, divorced in 1869. Her dad, a distinguished librarian and magazine editorRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman904 Words   |  4 Pagescom/us/definiton/americaneglish/rest-cure?q=rest+cure). Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote The Yellow Wallpaper as a reflection of series of events that happened in her own life. Women who fought the urge to be the typical stereotype were seen as having mental instabilities and were considered disobedient. The societal need for women to conform to the standards in the 1800s were very high. They were to cook, clean and teach their daughters how to take care of the men. Gilman grew up without her father and she vowedRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman999 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a story of a woman s psychological breakdown, which is shown through an imaginative conversation with the wallpaper. The relationship between the female narrator and the wallpaper reveals the inner condition of the narrator and also symbolically shows how women are oppressed in society. The story, read through a feminist lens, reflects a woman s struggle against the patriarchal power structure. In the â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, Charlotte Perkins Gilman uses the wallpaperRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay1208 Words   |  5 Pagesthat wallpaper as I did?† the woman behind the pattern was an image of herself. She has been the one â€Å"stooping and creeping.† The Yellow Wallpaper was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In the story, three characters are introduced, Jane (the narrator), John, and Jennie. The Yellow Wallpaper is an ironic story that takes us inside the mind and emotions of a woma n suffering a slow mental breakdown. The narrator begins to think that another woman is creeping around the room behind the wallpaper, attemptingRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman846 Words   |  4 PagesThe dignified journey of the admirable story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† created by Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s, gave the thought whether or not the outcome was influenced by female oppression and feminism. Female oppression and feminist encouraged a series of women to have the freedom to oppose for their equal rights. Signified events in the story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† resulted of inequality justice for women. Charlotte Perkins Gilman gave the reader different literary analysis to join the unjustifiableRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1704 Words   |  7 PagesEscaping The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) whom is most acclaimed for her short story The Yellow Wallpaper (1891) was a women’s author that was relatively revolutionary. Gilman makes an appalling picture of captivity and confinement in the short story, outlining a semi-personal photo of a young lady experiencing the rest cure treatment by her spouse, whom in addition to being her husband was also her therapist. Gilman misused the rest cure in The Yellow Wallpaper to alarm otherRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman948 Words   |  4 Pagesthis and in ways that lead them to depression, anxiety, who knows what else. In the story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman the main character, Jane, faces those terrible things that eventually lead her to becoming insane. The traits that make up who Jane is, provides the readers with the importance of her identity throughout the story and they also make up the context of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaperà ¢â‚¬ . Trying to free herself from her nervous depression, Jane is propelled into insanity. The

The Five Pillars Of Transitional Justice Essay - 1176 Words

Patrick Mulvenna B00700426 Transition justice - Truth In this essay I will write about one of the Five Pillars of Transitional Justice. Transitional Justice is a set of judicial and non judicial procedures and laws that have been implemented by various countries in order to deal with legacies of injustices to people s human rights. The core value of transition justice is the belief of justice. In an era of transition transitional justice can provide an opportunity for society to address past atrocities and human rights abuse. The main objective of transition justice is to establish the rule of law. The five pillars Transitional Justice are institutional reform, truth, reparations, reconciliation, prosecution and amnesty. The Pillar I have chosen to write about is Truth, Something that is true or in accordance with fact or reality. The reason I have chosen Truth is because in my example I am going to focus on The Ballymurphy Massacre. I have chosen to write about this particular legacy is because I am from the Ballymurphy area and over the years I have watched the process of truth unveiling around this historical issue. it s application to mass atrocities in post- conflict situations, mainly through Truth Reconciliation Commissions (TRC) - Hayner 1994 With uncovering truth there is always going to be advantages and disadvantages. Some disadvantages are Victims may be afraid to come forward in accusing police or the military of murder in fear ofShow MoreRelatedEuropean Integration And The European Union3311 Words   |  14 Pagesdeveloped, it inevitably came across the issue of justice and home affairs (JHA) and to what extant it had dictation over its member states’ borders. As the European Community and later the European Union established and expanded its policies over issues such as asylum, immigration and police, judicial cooperation, many began to criticize the European Union saying it was relinquishing the sovereignty of its member states. As the mandate over justice and home affairs moved from the national level toRead MoreThe Rwanda Of The Rwandan Defence Force904 Words   |  4 Pagesvictims and bystanders with difficult answers on how to solve them. The post-genocide nation of Rwanda witnessed one of the most horrific events a nation could experience, genocide. However, it has rebuilt itself to become an example nation for transitional justice, political stability and economic development. Rwanda’s military capabilities within the institute of the Rwandan Defence Force (RDF) are well known for its organisation capability and effectiveness in compact. In a Gallup Polling 2013 GlobalRead MoreEssay about Analysis of Brazil, Directed by Terry Gilliam1637 Words   |  7 Pagesobvious change, but underneath the thick skin and amongst the complex systems, exists another layer of transitions. Ideas, rationales, ideologies and beliefs all dwell within this layer of each being. It could be said that a nation can also fit this transitional framework. A nation grows in both size (wealth, population, power), and in ideological maturity (emancipation of slaves, civil rights, women’s rights†¦etc). This constant evolution of ideas and size is the foundation of a successful government.Read MoreSocial And Legal Aspects Of The Church And The State4621 Words   |  19 Pagesthat have sin ce been created to take care of the immigration issue have over time constituted a complicated, cross-agency structure, which rotate around six main pillars: border enforcement, information and interoperability of data systems, visa controls and travel screening, the fork of immigration enforcement and the criminal justice system, and the detention and deportation of non-citizens (Meissner, Kerwin, Chishti Bergeron, 2013, Pp 1-2). The Catholic Church The Catholic Church is the singleRead MorePublic Administration Under the King Ashoka4145 Words   |  17 Pagesabroad. Ashoka built a number of rock edicts and pillars to spread the gospel of Buddhism. ADMINISTRATION UNDER ASHOKA Before the Kalinga war, the Mauryan administration under Ashoka was not different from that of his predecessors. Ashoka, like previous Mauryan kings, was at the head of the centralized administrative system. He was helped by a council of ministers that was in charge of different ministries like taxation, army, agriculture, justice, etc. The empire was divided into administrativeRead MoreFight Club Essay2874 Words   |  12 Pagesconsidered the family’s flag bearer and figure head, ever responsible for all aspects of behavior his household conducts. Historically, in Europe, between the collapse of the Roman Empire and 600 A.D; individuals and families â€Å"act as their own criminal justice systems.† (Lab et al. 4). Back in those days, enforcement of laws and delivery of punishment were in its infancy; and â€Å"societies rely solely on informal social control to influence people’s behavior.† (Lab et al. 3). Several variations of informalRead MoreCorruptio n Is Barrier to Development in Pakistan9592 Words   |  39 PagesPakistan and barrier to its development. 1. Factors encouraging corruption in Pakistan A. Poor government policies B. Arrival of foreign remittance C. Afghan War 2. A barrier to development in Pakistan A. A crime against prosperity B. A barrier to justice C. A barrier to democracy D. A crime against the environment E. A barrier to health F. A barrier to education 3. Anti-corruption agencies 4. Transparency International report about Pakistan 5. Corruption Perception Index 6. National Corruption PerceptionRead MoreDeveloping Countries in the World Trade in Agriculture: Bangladesh Perspective.19109 Words   |  77 Pagestariffs for a fixed quota of imports. In case of commodities for which the import level was negligible, a minimum level of access of three percent of domestic consumption during the base year was required to be made for the developing countries and five percent for the developed countries. Being an LDC, Bangladesh is not required to undertake any such commitment. However, Bangladesh will not be allowed to inc rease its bound tariff. Tariff bound for Bangladesh has been set at a uniform ceiling rateRead MoreAchievement of the Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) for Education in Ethiopia14429 Words   |  58 Pages many children continue to remain behind normal schooling progress. According to the Ministry of Education the Current national figures indicate that nearly 45 percent of the children who enroll in grade one drop out school before completing grade five (MOE, 2005). There is also the problem of children of getting the chance to be in school at an appropriate age. For instance in 2004/05 the Ministry of Education showed that of the total children who were enrolled in grade one, only about 60 percentRead MoreNursing Essay41677 Words   |  167 Pagesaddress the increasing demand for safe, highquality, and effective health care services? In the near term, the new health care laws identify great challenges in the management of chronic conditions, primary care (including care coordin ation and transitional care), prevention and wellness, and the prevention of adverse events (such as hospital-acquired infections). The demand for better provision of mental health services, school health services, long-term care, and palliative care (including end-of-life

The Use of Information Systems in the Health Sector Free Sample

Question: Identify the Main Issues as Presented in the Case Study? As a Health Service Manager, what would you do to Improve the Patient Care Journey using ICT? What would be the benefits of your redesign? Answer: Introduction. Health informatics standards refer to the health standards which are set up through consensus and proven by recognized bodies. The standards are mainly established to provide procedures, rules, directions, characteristics of health-related activities and the interpretation. Health standards need to digitalize such that the consolidated results are not only scientific but are also a product of technology and experience(Ayres, Soar, Conrick, 2006). In this essay, I shall focus on a case study where a patient, Jane, discovers that she is pregnant. Jane requests the primary physician for a referral to a nearby birth center. The patient got a referral to the neighborhood birth center regardless of the tedious processes involved such as making appointments, registration and keeping all she was going through a secret from her boss. Jane had to undergo the same challenges again after the nearby birth center referred her to the proximal main hospital. At the main hospital, she had to registe r and wait for her turn. But unfortunately, the phlebotomist did not assist her since it was a Saturday. Jane was to come back again on a weekday, but on weighing risks whether to keep her job and secret or forgo the genetic test for cystic fibrosis, she decided to forgo the genetic test. I will also focus on the emerging issues, how ICT can be used to improve patient care journey, its merits and major obstacles facing ICT redesign. Key issues Emerging out of Janes Case Study The first issue is between Jane and her boss. Throughout the entire process of Jane making appointments and seeking a referral from her primary physician up to getting an appointment to visit the main hospital, she keeps it a secret from her boss. Jane did not want her boss to know that she is pregnant. Reason? Most probably, the boss was strict concerning workers attendance and staying at work until to the end of set working hours. Additionally, the issue of making an appointment. Jane went through hard moments trying as much as possible to book a date of meeting her primary physician, mid-wife at the nearby hospital and the phlebotomist during her working hours. Repeated clinical examination procedures is another issue that emerges. The day Jane meets her primary physician, the physician conducts a pregnancy test on Jane using urine as the test sample, which was similar to what Jane used to detect her pregnancy. Registration issue which results in duplication of the patients demographic data in all the places where Jane visited, she had to register afresh with the respective receptionists. A lot of paperwork was also a discouraging issue; Jane had to move around with referral form prepared by her physician and the receptionists. Finally, Jane had an issue had an issue upon being asked to respond to a risk assessment survey at the hospital by the midwife. Jane would have preferred to take the survey while at home so that she could consult her mother about the reproductive history of her family. Use of ICT to Improve the Patient Care Journey I firmly believe that going digital in all our health centers is a big relieve to our patients. Through, the Information and communication technology new health products shall be developed and launched, innovations and inventions discovery, safe way of storing, processing and recording data(Brown, Patrick, Pasupathy, 2006). IT will digitalize the administrative and clinical departments. For the administrative section, I shall advocate for the development of applications which identifies the patient upon registering and receiving the username and password. Through the patient administration system, patients can access their medical information, make bookings online and consult the doctors conveniently. ICT Information System Using Janes Case Scenario PRIMARY PHYSICIAN -Digitalized receptionist registers and creates an online patient portal for Jane. -Jane meets her doctor and pregnancy test is done and the test results sent to the patients portal -doctor refers Jane to the Birth center BIRTH CENTER CLINIC -Jane meets the mid-wife. Jane logs in to her patient portal so that the mid-wife would see the pregnancy test results shared by the primary physician. -Jane gets an online referral to the main hospital to see the phlebotomist for a fibrosis cystic genetic test PATIENT ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM -Jane has the username and password. -Jane logs in into her patient portal. -Jane makes all appointments and consultations online. MAIN HOSPITAL -Jane meets the phlebotomist for a fibrosis cystic genetic test. -Jane gives logs in to the patient portal for the phlebotomist to view her pregnancy test results. - Jane advised to revisit the hospital on a weekday for the genetic test. Clinical information systems should also be in place for the smooth transfer of the patients test results, recommendations, data to other health departments such as the pharmacy, doctors consultation room, and finance. Furthermore, shall develop an application which sends notifications, reminders electronically to the patients(Mold, et al., 2013). I will also advocate for the creation of the decision support systems in which the health personnel can share ideas to reach an agreement on a given patients condition. In all the systems, I will ensure that theres functionality, connectivity to each other with a central control system and server. Benefits and Major Obstacles of the ICT Redesign Technology will save the health staff and patients time, bring to an end of hectic paper works, enable doctors and other medical officers to get and share patient's information easily(Mantas, Hasman, Househ, 2015). Regardless of the benefits, implementation of ICT might be costly. For instance, will incur the cost of training the new users, supervision costs, purchase and installation of computer systems. Some workers and patients may resist the use of technology. Confidential information of patients may be hacked and leaked. Conclusion Through the use of information systems and information technology in the health sector, will improve the patients care journey. References Brown, G. D., Patrick, T. B., Pasupathy, K. S. (Eds.). (2013).Health informatics: a systems perspective. Ayres, D., Soar, J., Conrick, M. (2006).Health information systems(pp. 197-211). Thomson, Social Science Press. Mantas, J., Hasman, A., Househ, M. S. (Eds.). (2015).Enabling Health Informatics Applications(Vol. 213). IOS Press. Mold, F., Ellis, B., De Lusignan, S., Sheikh, A., Wyatt, J. C., Cavill, M., ... Koczan, P. (2013). The provision and impact of online patient access to their electronic health records (EHR) and transactional services on the quality and safety of health care: systematic review protocol.Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics,20(4), 271-282.

Customer service Chapter 1 and 2 Essay Example For Students

Customer service Chapter 1 and 2 Essay Chapter 1 Review Questions. 1 . Service is the manner in which you and other employees treat your customers and each other as you deliver your companys deliverables. 2. In the past when many people worked on the farms, small artisan and business owner provide customer service to their neighbors. Many small towns and villages had their own blacksmith, general stores, barbershop, and similar service oriented establishments owned and operated by people living in the town. For people living in more rural areas, peddlers of kitchenware, medicine, and other goods made their way from on location to nother location to serve their customers and distributed various products. 3. Businesses have changed dramatically as the economy has shifted from a dependence on manufacturing to a focus on providing timely quality service. The development of international quality standard by which effectiveness is measured in many multinational organizations. Because of the multinational nature of the business, many companies choose to use outsourcing customer service function. 4. Following are some of the causes of the changing business environment in recent decades: Global economic shifts Shifts in the population and labor force Increased efficiency in technology Deregulation of many industries Geopolitical changes Increase in the number of white-collar workers More women are entering the workforce A more racially and ethnically diverse population is entering the workforce More older workers entering the workforce Growth in e-commerce 5. Company culture includes the dynamic nature if the organization and encompasses the values and beliefs that is important to the organization and its employees and manager. The experience, attitudes, and norms cherished and upheld by the employees and teams within the organization set the tone and manner n which service is delivered and how service providers interact with both internal and external customers. 6. During the hiring process, a thorough screening process will be likely used to identify skills, knowledge, and aptitudes. Without motivated, competent worker, any planning, policy, and procedure change or system adaptation will not make a difference in customer service. 7. Quality and quantity are two factors related to an organizations products or deliverables that can lead to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. 8. When organization selects a delivery method for roducts and services, organizations examine the following factors. Industry standards Customer expectation Capabilities Costs current ana projected requirements 9. The six key components of a customer service environment are: 1 . The customer 2. Organizational culture 3. Human resources 4. Products/deliverables 5. Delivery systems 6. Service 10. Many organizations are changing to learning organizations, because systems and processes are continuously examined and updated. Learning from mistake, and adapting accordingly, is crucial for organizations success. Search it out Listing of Books on topics introduce in this chapter A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Service Desk Professional Customer Service and Professionalism: Twenty-five Successful, Professional Women Share Their Powerful Tips for Image, Attitude, and Behavior in the Workplace Customer Service for Professionals in Health Care Customer Tells: Delivering World-Class Customer Service by Reading Your Signs and Signals Invisible Profits: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service Perfect Phrases for Customer Service, Second Edition Sales and Service for the Wine Professional Survival Spanish for Customer Service The Compassionate Geek: Mastering Customer Service for I. T. Professionals Winning the Professional Services Sale Three companies that I believe have adapted a positive customer service 1 . BMW 2. Toyota 3. General Motors Face to Face 1. I think I have people skill; I try to explain the thing in a way they can understand without using technical terms. 2. What are my limitations, when dealing with customer complaints? Will I have access to all the tools I need to do my Job effectively? Will you be available if I have any questions? 3. If a customer ask for a service that PackAll does not provide. Debate - Sports Starts Get Paid To Much (Affirmative) EssaySome strategies for helping promote a positive customer culture are: Explore your organizations vision Help communicate the culture and vision to customer daily Demonstrate ethical behavior Identify and improve your customer skills Become an expert on your organization Demonstrate commitment Partner with customers Work with your customers interest in mind Treat vendors and suppliers as customers Share resources Work with, not against, your customer Provide service follow-up 9. Average organizations can be separated from excellent ones by determining what type of service environment exists: Executives spend time with the customers. Executives spend time talking with frontline service providers. Customer feedback is regularly asked and acted upon. Innovation and creativity are encouraged and rewarded. Benchmarking is done with similar organizations. Technology is widespread, frequently updated, and used effectively. Training is provided to keep employees current on industry trends, organizational issues, skills, and technology. Open communication exists between frontline employees and all levels of managements. Employees are provided with guidelines and empowered to do whatever is necessary to satisfy customer. Partnership with customers and suppliers are common. The status quo is not acceptable. 10. Following are some typical things that customer wants: Personal recognition Courtesy Timely service Professionalism Enthusiastic service Empathy Patience Search it out Provide support and safeguards for Florida Hospital, investigators, research team members, research subjects, and data to ensure integrity of research at Florida Hospital Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. Our mission is to fulfill the automotive and commercial truck rental, leasing, car sales and related needs of our customers and, in doing so, exceed their expectations for service, quality and value. The USAA toucatlonal Younaatlon offers you tne opportunlty to De netter InTormea ana repared to make the best choices through every stage of life. Our extensive library of free educational materials provides credible and useful information that speaks to a variety of subjects and provides you with educational information thats objective, relevant and usable EDs mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access Yes there are shared values and belief evident in the different mission statements. Customer service Willingness for improvement Provide multiple options As a customer/client, I do feel the organization values me. Because, if customer is not there to buy their product/service, they will not have any reason to do on what they do. Yes, the focus of each types of organization seems to differ between types of organization. Government organizations typically do not put lots of emphasis on customer, because the customer does not have any other option. Non-profit organization seems to focus on wellbeing of target customer. Profit organization, they seems to have attractive mission to promote their product or services. 2. http://blog. spoken. com/2010/10/cost-of-acquiring-a-new-customer-6-to-7-times- more-than-keeping-exisiting. ml http://iterativepath. wordpress. com/2013/02/03/it- costs-6-7-times-more-to-acquire-new-customers-over-retaining-existing-ones/ Face to face 1 . Yes there are indicators of United Booksellers services culture. They provide extensive customer service training before being allowed to interact with customers. They care about customer satisfaction 2. I would follow organization s server culture to provide the service customer was getting before and suggest the need of improvement if there is any. 3. I would expect the service they are known for. Because that is why I am there as a customer.